Dear Sirs,

Please find herewith attached the following documents in PDF

CEN/TC 333 Doc. N. 58 Rim-Wear indicators: notes from the chairman of CEN/TC 333 
CEN/TC 333 Doc. N. 59 Program of Work of CEN/TC 333 Cycles: situation 

A paper version of these documents will be distributed during CEN/TC 333 meeting, on 18th May, 2001.

Best regards.

For CEN/TC 333 Secretariat

Elena Mocchio
UNI - Italy
International Relations Department

Meš skjali 59 fylgir ķtarleg skyrsla um hvernig skuli standa aš prófunum reišhjóla og hluta til žeirra sem žar koma viš sögu. Žar sem žaš er nokkuš višamikiš er žaš ekki byrt į vefnum. Įhugasamir geta haft samband viš LHM til aš nįlgast žaš.

Til Baka į yfirlit bréfa