The Image
Daniel J. Boorstin


"During the recent years we have come to think that our new technology can save us from the inexorable laws of familiarity.  By magical modern machinery we hope to clear the world of its commonplaceness - of its omnipresent tree sparrows, starlings, and blue jays - and fill it with rare Sutton´s warblers, ivory-billed woodpeckers, whooping cranes, and rufous hummingbirds.  Every bird-watcher knows how hard it is to reconcile oneself to the fact that the common birds are the ones most usually seen and that rare birds are really quite uncommon.  Now all of us frustrate ourselves by the expectation that we can make the exotic an everyday experience (without it ceasing to be exotic); and can somehow make commonplaceness itself disappear." 
  (Vintage Books, 1992)